We’re Switching to Libby!

OverDrive will begin winding down the OverDrive app by removing it from app stores in February 2022. You may continue to use the Overdrive app for now, but Libby will soon be the primary app for users to enjoy magazines, ebooks and audiobooks.

Using Libby is easy and quick. If you have a smartphone or tablet, download the app from your
device’s app store, enter your library card, and tap on a book to borrow it. You can also go online to libbyapp.com

Libby has suggestions for your next read or you can search for a favorite author. Here are a few suggestions for getting started:

Watch the short video Getting Started

Get the most out of Libby with these tips

Download a Libby Getting Started Cheat Sheet

Published: February 2nd, 2022

Author: Mary