Foundation for the SPL

About the Foundation

The Trustees of the Saugus Public Library created the Foundation to enhance the projects, activities, collections and services of the Library.splfoundlogo

The Foundation provides a vehicle for the Library to administer existing endowments and promote and carry out charitable and fundraising activities. Also, through the Foundation, the Trustees have created a means to acknowledge and grow donations to preserve donors’ bequests. The Board of Library Trustees uses a portion of the combined interest of unrestricted funds to benefit the entire Library Community.

The Foundation, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, was established in 2004 through significant gifts from the estates of Douglas Lockwood,in honor of the Saugus High School Class of 1947, Josephine Kibbey, and Marie Weeks, as well as funds turned over by the environmental non-profit group, NO-BLAST, upon its dissolution.


The mission of the Foundation is to accept donations, raise funds, and create an endowment. Endowment funds are invested to enhance the overall value of the contributions, which maximizes the benefit to the Patrons of the Library. The Foundation authorizes the expenditure of the endowment interest which the Library Trustees apply toward the betterment and improvement of the library.

How Can I Help the Endowment Grow?

Gifts to the Foundation

A gift to the Foundation is a lasting expression of appreciation for the Library. Private support enriches Library services beyond public funding.

Annual Giving Pledge

Support the library with an annual pledge.


Gifts through a will remain the most commonly proactive and simplest way to provide for those institutions that are important to you. Bequests to the Foundation serve as a legacy to future generations.


All contributions to the Foundation are fully tax deductible.

Care to Join Us?

The SPLF is always looking for thoughtful, innovative people who can bring new ideas and energy to our Board of Directors.

In the past several years the Foundation has purchased electronic signage, a flat screen TV for the Community Room, new computers, new furniture, paid for a redesign of the Library’s web site, and sponsors, a genealogy research tool used by Library patrons.

Please consider joining the SPLF and helping to guide us in these sorts of efforts to enhance the Saugus Library experience.

If you’d like to learn more about the SPLF, make a donation, or join our Board, informational brochures are currently available by emailing Foundation members at Thank you for your interest.