Ask A Librarian!
The Reference Department is where questions are answered. If you need information, whether it be help on a school report, researching your ancestors, tax forms, plans on building a deck, a book on how to write a will, the e-mail address to write the President, investment information, or guidance on a good book to read, you can contact the Reference Department.
On the second floor you will find books about Saugus history and other towns like Lynn; genealogy books; Saugus High School yearbooks and lists of Saugus residents going back to early 1900s.
Stop by the desk on the Second Floor, call (781-231-4168, Reference Department), or e-mail The Reference Department will help you find the information you need. You can also fill out the form below.
Did you know? Saugus Residents can borrow books from other libraries in the NOBLE system, as well as libraries outside the system. To request an item, call or stop by the Reference Department. You can also log in to your account from home to request an item.
If the NOBLE system doesn’t have what you’re looking for, try ComCat. The Commonwealth Catalog (ComCat) allows library users to locate and request library materials from all across the state, and have them delivered directly to your home library.
Ask A Librarian