Sadly, these times demand that we remain closed to the public in the interests of the public’s health. However, even though our doors are closed, we are still here for you. Visit us on the web to access our electronic services. Patrons may also download the Hoopla, Libby, or OverDrive apps to your mobile device and sign in using your library card number to borrow eBooks, digital audiobooks, magazines, TV shows, movies, and more!
Most of our staff is working remotely at this time but we are still regularly checking for phone messages and emails. If you’d like to leave a phone message, call us at (781) 231-4168 and immediately press 3102. Or you can email Leave us a detailed message and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.
We are your Library, Saugus, and we are here to serve you!
Published: April 15th, 2020