Hey Book Lovers! While the Library will be closed for Founder’s Day, the New Friends of Saugus Public Library invite you to visit their annual Founders Day Book Sale in the Community Room.
Hardover Books: $1.00
Paperback Books: $0.50
Children’s Books: $0.50
And, of course, you can purchase one of our red and white New Friends of the Saugus Public Library bags for $5.00 and fill it to the brim with as many books as you can fit. Proceeds from our book sale allow the New Friends to sponsor activities and provide services which benefit and stimulate interest in the Saugus Public Library by:
- Presenting free programs for all ages at the Library.
- Purchasing museum passes for use by Saugus Public Library patrons.
- Purchasing books, videos, magazines, and equipment for the Library.
- Holding used book sales and the on-going used book sale in the community room in addition to other fund-raising events to benefit the Library.
- Becoming Library Volunteers
Be sure to drop by the Community Room on Saturday, September 14th from 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM to take advantage of this great deal and to support public library services in Saugus. Please remember to enter the library through the Taylor Street entrance on as the Central Street doors will be closed on Founders Day.

Published: September 10th, 2024
Alan Thibeault