Policy Watch: Public Workstation/Internet Acceptable Use Policy

On May 3rd, 2018, the Saugus Public Library Board of Trustees voted to revise its policy dealing with public computers and public Internet access. This is part of an ongoing review/revision of all Library policies which began in early 2017.

This revision reorganizes the policy document itself and divides it clearly into sections dealing with proper use of the Library’s public computers, WiFi signal, and library-owned mobile devices which access the Internet or provide a WiFi signal.

Like the old policy, this revision prohibits copyright violations and other illegal online activities by users of our equipment and signal. It also prohibits users from unsanctioned modification of our software and hardware, as well as encouraging responsible use of our services.

Public use of our free in-facility WiFi signal was not addressed under the old policy, nor was use of Library-owned mobile devices (WiFi Hot Spots, etc.). This revision brings the policy up to date as regards these services. The old policy, called the “Internet Access Guidelines for Acceptable Use Policy” has been renamed “Public Workstation/Internet Acceptable Use Policy.”

Published: May 4th, 2018

Author: Alan Thibeault