Do you care about public library services in Saugus?
Are you a civil, civic-minded individual who can share your ideas and provide constructive advice and feedback?
The Saugus Public Library is seeking interested members of the community to serve on a Focus Group. Ideally, the Group will be a representative cross-section of the community. Library users and non-library users are welcome; we are just looking for people interested in helping us provide services that will enhance community life.
The Group will participate in a three-part series of exercises and discussions to help us identify new services and needed changes to library services in the Town of Saugus over the next five years.
The group will meet on three separate weekday evenings between October and the end of January, for approximately 90 minutes each session. We will establish meeting dates once the Group is formed.
If you’d like to serve your community and help us to enhance public library services, please contact Library Director Alan Thibeault at 781-231-4168 ext. 3122 or email him at
Published: September 17th, 2018