May 25th: Bitcoin/Cryptocurrencies

You can’t read the news without seeing hype about Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. Is this the first wave of a cashless future or just an over-hyped technology? One thing is certain: there is a lot of money riding on its success.
Learn the basics of Bitcoin from Michael Gershbein from Very Smart People. While employed as a public librarian for 10 years, Gershbein provided one-on-one and group instruction in all types of technology.


Organized by the Rockport Library, in collaboration with the libraries in North Reading, Pepperell, Clinton, West Newbury, Haverhill, Saugus, Danvers, Tewksbury, Tyngsborough, Wilmington and Atkinson, NH.

Date: May 25th, 2022
Time: 7:00 pm (via Zoom).
Register for this program here. A link to the Zoom event will be sent to you on the day of the program.




Published: May 3rd, 2022

Author: Alan Thibeault
Tags:Bit Coin, Bitcoin, Brian Gershbein, Cryptocurrency, Program, Zoom,