JOIN WITH OTHERS IN A SAFE SETTING TOSOCIALIZE, LEARN, AND GIVE AND RECEIVE SUPPORT!Workshops are free and offered online and by telephone (via Zoom technology) and provide the opportunity for people to be together remotely from the safety oftheir own home or office, socialize, learn, and give and receive support.Tuesday, December 15, 2020Healthy Eating for Successful Living in Older AdultsLearn more about how nutrition and lifestyle changes can promote better health,with a focus on heart healthy and bone healthy nutrition strategies.
Tomando Control De Su SaludVena y aprenda a como conectarte con la comunidad, comer más saludable, como hablar con los médicos sobre su salud, ycontrolar el estrés y relajarse.Conducted in Spanish
Diabetes Self-Management WorkshopLearn practical strategies and skills that can help you feel better and improve your quality of life. Share what you know and learn from others who are living with similar challenges.
KICK OFF YOUR NEW YEAR BY JOINING ONE OF OUR WORKSHOPS!You are not committing to a workshop by attending an information session.In fact, it’s a good way to see if a particular program is a good fit for you!Our workshops are evidence-based, which means they are proven to helppeople living with chronic conditions achieve better health and well-being.
PLEASE REGISTER FOR ONE OR MORE INFORMATION SESSIONSor contact Jousette Anaya at 978-398-9115 or
Published: December 21st, 2020
Alan Thibeault