Front Door Pickup @ the SPL

Our building is still closed to the public. But people are borrowing books, DVDs, music, audiobooks, and read-alongs from the Library again. How?

Front Door Pickup: It’s so easy to use.

To get started, go to our online catalog. Click on the green MY ACCOUNT button in the screen’s upper right. Login in to your account using your library card number and password, then simply place items on hold. How do you do that? Watch the video below for step by step instructions.

Once we notify you that your items are ready, call us at 781-231-4168 ext. 3102 to set a pickup date. Or you can call us at the same number to reserve up to three items over the phone.

Either way, you must make an appointment to pickup once your items are ready. We offer pickup services between the hours of 3:30 pm and 6:30 pm on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. Call us to set a pickup date at 781-231-4168 ext. 3102.

Please leave a voicemail if you don’t get through. We’ll return your call and set a pickup day as soon as we can.



Published: July 13th, 2020

Author: Alan Thibeault