The New Friends of the Saugus Public Library are preparing for their September 14th Founders Day Book Sale in the Community Room. They are asking for donations of gently-used adult hardcover and softcover Adult, Young Adult, and Children’s Books.
No Text Books, Encyclopedias, or pamphlets. And please….clean and newer books only. No tattered pages, odors, stains, or faded/battered/dirty covers!
Books may be dropped off at the Library’s Main Circulation Desk during business hours. Please DO NOT place donations in the outdoor book drops.
The New Friends, a non-profit organization, are a group of people with an interest in improving the Library building, programs, services and collections.
The New Friends sponsor activities and provide services which benefit and stimulate interest in the Saugus Public Library by:
- Presenting free programs for all ages at the Library.
- Purchasing museum passes for use by Saugus Public Library patrons.
- Purchasing books, videos, magazines, and equipment for the Library.
- Funding the Library’s online events calendar and museum pass reservation software.
- Holding used book sales and the on-going used book sale in the community room in addition to other fund-raising events to benefit the Library.
- Becoming Library Volunteers
Thank you for your support of the New Friends of the Saugus Public Library.
Published: August 7th, 2024