Due to wet conditions we moved this program from FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 17TH AT 10:30am to MONDAY SEPTEMBER 20TH AT 10:30am.
The SPL is thrilled to host Farmer Minor and Daisy the famous pot belly pig outdoors at the Saugus Iron Works!
For further weather updates check the library’s online event calendar.
Weighing in at a svelte 84 pounds, the pampered porcine pet travels the country with “Farmer Minor” and two precocious pugs named Dixie Cup and Lillie Pug, to share the joy of reading with young children.
Here are some fun facts about Daisy:
- Daisy and her adorable entourage are on the road nine to 10 months a year, visiting libraries and schools.
- She has the largest collection of pig books in the world – more than 1,000 – many in different languages that were sent to her from fans around the globe. She also has more than 1,300 library cards.
- She likes to sleep in bed between Farmer Minor and Mrs. Minor, and sometimes she tries to push them out. In other words, she hogs the bed
- No registration required
- Recommended for children ages 1-6
- Bring a blanket or chair to sit on
- Hope to see you in your bib overalls!
- Weather permitting! Check the library’s online event calendar on the day of the program for updates
- The library is grateful to the Saugus Cultural Council and Saugus Iron Works for making this program possible
Published: September 2nd, 2021
Tags:Daisy, Farmer Minor, kids programs, pig, Saugus Cultural Council, Saugus Iron Works,