Sept. 24th: Achieving Coexistence with Coyotes

Join us as Saugus Animal Control presents Dan Proulx, who will help lead the talk with some facts about coyotes and keys to co-existing with them on Tuesday, September 24th, from 6:00 – 7:45 pm in the Library’s Community Room, 295 Central Street, Saugus, Mass.

Dan will discuss coyote habitat and behavior; how to avoid conflicts between household pets and coyotes; what to do and who to call if you experience problems with coyotes or come across a sick or injured one. The overall goal of this program is to promote safe community coexistence with local coyote population as well as identifying the benefits of having coyotes in the community.

Dan is a Massachusetts PAC Agent with extensive experience in wildlife rehabilitation and Animal Control. He has dealt with all sorts of wildlife and Coyote issues on the North Shore.  In every call and every situation situation, the most humane approach is always taken. Most issues with coyotes can be resolved easily and humanely. 

Seating will be limited and registration is required. Register here or call 781-231-4168.

Published: September 5th, 2024

Author: Alan Thibeault
Tags:coyotes, dan proulx,